The ministry of lay persons is to represent Christ and his Church;

to bear witness to him wherever they may be; and, according to the gifts given them, to carry on Christ's work of reconciliation in the world; and to take their place in the life, worship, and governance of the Church.

Book of Common Prayer, p. 855

All worshippers are participants in worship. Some like to offer their time and talents to help prepare for or lead worship. Here are the various ways to help with worship at St. Peter's. If you are interested, email the church office.

Altar Guild

St. Peter’s Altar Guild is a special group of people who work behind the scenes and have the responsibility of preparing for the worship services of the church. Activities include care for the sacred vessels and vestments used in worship, setting up for and cleaning up after each service, and painting the choir (chancel) and altar (sanctuary) areas. Participants set up on Saturday morning on a rotating schedule. This is rewarding work focused on the primary reason for the existence of our parish, worship.


Reading the Scriptures are the heart of the first part of the service, the Liturgy of the Word. Lectors are trained to read the Old and New Testament readings during worship services. The gift of a good voice and brief training on which lessons to read and how to find the pronunciation guide for some of those Biblical names is all that's required. Lectors are assigned to a Sunday based on a rotating schedule.

Lay Eucharistic Ministers and Eucharistic Visitors

Laity assisting the clergy with the distribution of Communion are licensed by the Bishop as Lay Eucharistic Ministers. They may help distribute the consecrated bread and wine at Communion or take Communion to the homebound or those in hospitals or nursing homes immediately after the service. This vital ministry helps maintain the parish relationship for those unable to be present with the parish family at the regular Sunday services.


Adults and youth trained as acolytes assist the clergy during the services of Holy Communion. They help with preparation for worship, lighting altar candles and assisting the deacon in setting the altar with the gifts of bread and wine.  Acolytes take part in leading the worship of the people by carrying the cross, torches, and banner to lead the processions into the church at the beginning and out of the church at the end of worship services. 

Ushers and Greeters

Ushers provide information and service bulletins to those entering the church. They receive the offerings of the congregation and guide the flow of the congregation to the rail during the Eucharist. Greeters provide welcome, information, and directions for visitors and new members. Together, they help maintain a welcoming atmosphere for all.

Blessing and Blooms

Members of Blessing in Blooms decorate the church for special services, including Christmas and Easter. This ministry helps prepare the space for worship, and offers creative outlet to its participants!